- Rust Server aus  Südafrika

Wipe: 2024-06-06 18:16:49 UTC
Version: 2548
0 of 50
Ort:  Südafrika
Hinzugefügt: vor 1 Monat
Informationen aktualisiert: vor 38 Minuten 56 Sekunden
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19356 / 24969
Punkte: 97
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Anwendungsbeispiel für JSONP und der Quellcode des Beispiels

_cp   0
_mp   50
_qp   0
_sq_cp   0
_sq_mp   50
anticheat   1
appid   252490
bots   0
build   98569
dedicated   d
description   Rust
description_00   SuperNova Vanilla is a relaxed, vanilla PvP server designed for both newcomers and experienced playe
description_01   rs. \n \n - Monthly Map wipe (Next wipe 2024/07/04). \n - BP wipe every 3 months (Next wipe 2024/09
description_02   /05). \n \n Important Information: \n - Read the rules below, ignorance is not an excuse! \n - Admi
description_03   n is available via Discord (TEXT CHAT ONLY). \n - Maximum ping allowed: 400ms. \n - No VAC bans in t
description_04   he last year. \n - Maximum team size: 8. \n - Make sure to kill sleepers so they know who raided the
description_05   m. \n \n Rules: \n \n Dont's: \n ✗ Don't wall off Points of Interest. \n ✗ Don't be disrespectful
description_06   to other players, mods, or admins. While we don't expect you to wait until your targets are online,
description_07   consistently raiding when the server is empty or at 3 AM will result in action taken against you. \n
description_08    \n Do's: \n ✔ Don't be a d**s, be lekker! \n ✔ Feel free to contact admin with suggestions (Note:
description_09   this is a vanilla server, so no mods will be added). \n ✔ Consider bringing low-hour players into yo
description_10   ur team and helping them out. \n ✔ If someone is being disrespectful, let the admin know. \n \n ● I
description_11   f you believe you've been unfairly banned for VAC reasons, contact admin. \n ● If you're being ping-
description_12   kicked, contact admin for a possible exemption for African players.
edf_extradataflags   177
edf_gameid   252490
edf_gameport   28195
edf_gametags   ptrak,$r?,v2548,AF,born1717697809,gmrust,cs98569,^m^v,^o
edf_steamid   90199540760411165
ent_cnt   142477
fps   71
fps_avg   67.98
gc_cl   157
gc_mb   2577
gmn   rust
gmt   Survival
hash   5ebe87c1
headerimage   https://i.ibb.co/QN2bQxL/Super-Nova-Logo.png
netcode   17
os   w
pve   False
ram_sys   0
response_type   s
status   stok
uptime   25256
url   https://discord.gg/NQZsGyRTVA
version   2548
wipe   2024-06-06 18:16:49
wipe_date   2024-06-06
wipe_day   06
wipe_hour   18
wipe_minutes   16
wipe_month   06
wipe_seconds   49
wipe_year   2024
world.seed   451753193
world.size   4250

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