- DayZ Standalone server from  Ukraine

Version: 1.26.159040
Time: 11:20
Time acceleration Day: x6, Night: x4
48 of 80
Location:  Ukraine
Added: 1 year ago
Information updated: 1 minute 1 second ago

We are waiting for you on the ukrainian server

Discord-server, where you can always find the administration and chat with other players: https://discord.gg/rncMWZCdzU

Here you will find:

  • Ukrainian modpack (clothes, money and various little things)
  • Mod weapons/armor and furniture
  • Earplugs(N)
  • BBP construction (BaseBuildingPlus)
  • ATM's in save zones
  • Modded cars
  • The lifetime of all cars is 3 days. Inactive cars are automatically deleted.
  • Car keys, with the possibility of making duplicates
  • Jacking the car over
  • Damage to cars in collision is excluded
  • Self-made crafts: leather and self-made items, souvenir money, disassembly of construction sets.
  • Changed menu and loading screen
  • General chat and party mod
  • Permanent chemical zone - Tisy
  • Explosives for raids
  • Codelock's
  • Autorun
  • Changed loot in helicrashes (for fashion items)
  • Raid-time
  • Additional trades on the map
299 / 22662
Points: 533
Player nameScoreTime
[No name] 1001:30:02
[No name] 2001:30:02
[No name] 3001:29:53
[No name] 4001:29:52
[No name] 5001:29:49
[No name] 6001:29:49
[No name] 7001:29:48
[No name] 8001:28:56
[No name] 9001:27:59
[No name] 10001:27:52
[No name] 11001:25:53
[No name] 12001:25:15
[No name] 13001:23:54
[No name] 14001:20:32
[No name] 15001:19:41
[No name] 16001:19:23
[No name] 17001:18:29
[No name] 18001:17:56
[No name] 19001:17:54
[No name] 20001:17:44
[No name] 21001:16:49
[No name] 22001:15:41
[No name] 23001:15:19
[No name] 24001:11:52
[No name] 25000:51:56
[No name] 26000:46:08
[No name] 27000:42:25
[No name] 28000:41:28
[No name] 29000:38:38
[No name] 30000:38:21
[No name] 31000:35:57
[No name] 32000:35:35
[No name] 33000:34:19
[No name] 34000:24:33
[No name] 35000:24:00
[No name] 36000:20:10
[No name] 37000:19:28
[No name] 38000:19:15
[No name] 39000:18:13
[No name] 40000:17:06
[No name] 41000:14:15
[No name] 42000:13:29
[No name] 43000:13:27
[No name] 44000:08:45
[No name] 45000:08:40
[No name] 46000:05:18
[No name] 47000:03:36
[No name] 48000:00:24



1. Options:

2. Save
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Available only for servers with PLUS Server status

Example of use for JSONP and the source code of the example

_qp   0
allowedbuild   0
anticheat   1
appid   221100
bots   0
clientport   0
day_time_acceleration   6
dedicated   1
dlc_enabled   0
edf_extradataflags   177
edf_gameid   221100
edf_gameport   2302
edf_gametags   battleye,external,privHive,shard123ABC,lqs0,etm6.000000,entm4.000000,mod,11:20
edf_steamid   90209610611356680
first_person_only   0
island   chernarusplus
language   65545
netcode   17
night_time_acceleration   4
os   w
platform   win
requiredbuild   0
requiredversion   126
response_type   s
time   11:20
timeleft   15
version   1.26.159040

Online players by time


Rating and points

Players statistics for 24 hours

This function is available only to servers with Premium points.