- Garry's Mod server from  United States, Chicago

Version: 2024.10.29
0 of 8
Location:  United States, Chicago
Added: 7 months ago
Information updated: 2 minutes 1 second ago
Map: nz_asylum

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21038 / 23324
Points: 34
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Available only for servers with PLUS Server status

Example of use for JSONP and the source code of the example

ai_disabled   0
ai_ignoreplayers   0
anticheat   1
appid   4000
bots   0
coop   0
cw_att_am_flechetterounds   1
cw_att_am_magnum   1
cw_att_am_matchgrade   1
cw_att_am_slugrounds   1
cw_att_am_sp7   1
cw_att_bg_ak74_rpkbarrel   1
cw_att_bg_ak74_ubarrel   1
cw_att_bg_ak74foldablestock   1
cw_att_bg_ak74heavystock   1
cw_att_bg_ak74rpkmag   1
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cw_att_bg_ar15heavystock   1
cw_att_bg_ar15sturdystock   1
cw_att_bg_asval   1
cw_att_bg_asval_20rnd   1
cw_att_bg_asval_30rnd   1
cw_att_bg_bipod   1
cw_att_bg_deagle_compensator   1
cw_att_bg_deagle_extendedbarrel   1
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cw_att_bg_longbarrelmr96   1
cw_att_bg_longris   1
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cw_att_bg_mac11_unfolded_stock   1
cw_att_bg_magpulhandguard   1
cw_att_bg_makarov_extmag   1
cw_att_bg_makarov_pb6p9   1
cw_att_bg_makarov_pb_suppressor   1
cw_att_bg_makarov_pm_suppressor   1
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cw_att_bg_mp5_kbarrel   1
cw_att_bg_mp5_sdbarrel   1
cw_att_bg_mp7_unsuppressed   1
cw_att_bg_nostock   1
cw_att_bg_regularbarrel   1
cw_att_bg_retractablestock   1
cw_att_bg_ris   1
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cw_att_md_acog   1
cw_att_md_aimpoint   1
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cw_att_md_bipod   1
cw_att_md_cobram2   1
cw_att_md_eotech   1
cw_att_md_foregrip   1
cw_att_md_insight_x2   1
cw_att_md_kobra   1
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cw_att_md_microt1   1
cw_att_md_nightforce_nxs   1
cw_att_md_pbs1   1
cw_att_md_pso1   1
cw_att_md_rmr   1
cw_att_md_saker   1
cw_att_md_schmidt_shortdot   1
cw_att_md_tundra9mm   1
cw_keep_attachments_post_death   0
davycrockettallowed   1
deathmatch   1
deathrun   1
decalfrequency   10
dedicated   d
description   Titan Servers V3
edf_extradataflags   177
edf_gameid   4000
edf_gameport   27133
edf_gametags    gm:tsv3hub loc:eu ver:241209
edf_steamid   85568392923919061
fas2_att_acog   0
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fas2_att_compm4   0
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fas2_att_harrisbipod   0
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fas2_att_mp5k30mag   0
fas2_att_pso1   0
fas2_att_sg55x30mag   0
fas2_att_sks20mag   0
fas2_att_sks30mag   0
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fas2_att_uziwoodenstock   0
fas2_profgain   0.040000
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gw_abilities_enabled   1
gw_basewalkeramount   15
gw_changemodel_hiding   1
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gw_double_jump_enabled   0
gw_easter_egg_hunt_enabled   0
gw_hideduration   30
gw_hiding_run_speed   200
gw_hiding_walk_speed   100
gw_maxrounds   8
gw_minhiding   1
gw_minseeking   1
gw_postroundduration   5
gw_pregameduration   20
gw_propfreeze_enabled   0
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gw_seeker_walk_speed   100
gw_target_finder_enabled   0
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gw_taunt_body_enabled   1
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gw_touches_enabled   1
gw_touches_required   3
gw_walkerperplayer   1
m9k_davy_crockett_timer   3
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mp_teamlist   hgrunt;scientist
mp_teamplay   0
mp_timelimit   0
mp_weaponstay   0
netcode   17
nz_difficulty_barricade_planks_max   6
nz_difficulty_max_zombies_alive   35
nz_difficulty_perks_max   4
nz_difficulty_powerup_chance   2
nz_difficulty_zombie_amount_base   6
nz_difficulty_zombie_amount_scale   0.350000
nz_difficulty_zombie_health_base   75
nz_difficulty_zombie_health_scale   1.100000
nz_downtime   45
nz_failsafe_preventgrenades   0
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nz_point_notification_clientside   0
nz_randombox_maplist   1
nz_round_dropins_allow   1
nz_round_prep_time   10
nz_round_special_interval   6
os   l
ph_autotaunt_delay   45
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ph_prop_collision   1
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ph_rounds_per_map   10
ph_swap_teams_every_round   1
ph_use_custom_plmodel   0
ph_use_custom_plmodel_for_prop   0
ph_waitforplayers   0
physgun_limited   0
physgun_maxrange   4096
r_airboatviewdampendamp   1.0
r_airboatviewdampenfreq   7.0
r_airboatviewzheight   0.0
r_jeepviewdampendamp   1.0
r_jeepviewdampenfreq   7.0
r_jeepviewzheight   10.0
r_vehicleviewdampen   0
response_type   s
sbox_bonemanip_misc   0
sbox_bonemanip_npc   1
sbox_bonemanip_player   0
sbox_godmode   0
sbox_maxballoons   10
sbox_maxbuttons   20
sbox_maxcameras   10
sbox_maxconstraints   1000
sbox_maxdynamite   10
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sbox_maxemitters   5
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sensor_stretchragdoll   0
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spook_paused   1
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spook_snowenabled   0
spook_weather   1
spook_weather_lighting   0
sv_accelerate   10
sv_airaccelerate   10
sv_allowcslua   0
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sv_bounce   0
sv_cheats   0
sv_footsteps   1
sv_friction   8
sv_gravity   600
sv_hl2mp_item_respawn_time   30
sv_hl2mp_weapon_respawn_time   20
sv_maxspeed   10000
sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks   24
sv_noclipaccelerate   5
sv_noclipspeed   5
sv_password   0
sv_pausable   0
sv_report_client_settings   0
sv_rollangle   0
sv_rollspeed   200
sv_specaccelerate   5
sv_specnoclip   1
sv_specspeed   3
sv_stepsize   18
sv_stopspeed   10
sv_tfa_allow_dryfire   1
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sv_tfa_attachments_enabled   1
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sv_tfa_ballistics_bullet_damping_air   1
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sv_tfa_ballistics_bullet_velocity   1
sv_tfa_ballistics_custom_gravity   0
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sv_tfa_bullet_penetration   1
sv_tfa_bullet_penetration_power_mul   1
sv_tfa_bullet_randomseed   0
sv_tfa_bullet_ricochet   0
sv_tfa_changelog   1
sv_tfa_cmenu   0
sv_tfa_cmenu_key   -1
sv_tfa_crosshair_showplayer   1
sv_tfa_crosshair_showplayerteam   1
sv_tfa_damage_mult_max   1.050000
sv_tfa_damage_mult_min   0.950000
sv_tfa_damage_multiplier   1
sv_tfa_damage_multiplier_npc   1
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sv_tfa_jamming_factor_inc   1
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sv_tfa_melee_blocking_deflection   1
sv_tfa_melee_blocking_stun_enabled   1
sv_tfa_melee_blocking_stun_time   0.650000
sv_tfa_melee_blocking_timed   1
sv_tfa_melee_damage_npc   1
sv_tfa_melee_damage_ply   0.650000
sv_tfa_melee_doordestruction   1
sv_tfa_nearlyempty   1
sv_tfa_npc_burst   0
sv_tfa_npc_randomize_atts   1
sv_tfa_penetration_hardlimit   100
sv_tfa_penetration_hitmarker   1
sv_tfa_range_modifier   0.500000
sv_tfa_recoil_eyeangles_mul   1
sv_tfa_recoil_legacy   0
sv_tfa_recoil_mul_p   1
sv_tfa_recoil_mul_p_npc   1
sv_tfa_recoil_mul_y   1
sv_tfa_recoil_mul_y_npc   1
sv_tfa_recoil_viewpunch_mul   1
sv_tfa_reloads_enabled   1
sv_tfa_reloads_legacy   0
sv_tfa_scope_gun_speed_scale   0
sv_tfa_soundscale   1
sv_tfa_spread_legacy   0
sv_tfa_spread_multiplier   1
sv_tfa_sprint_enabled   1
sv_tfa_unique_slots   1
sv_tfa_weapon_strip   0
sv_tfa_weapon_weight   1
sv_tfa_worldmodel_culldistance   -1
sv_voiceenable   1
sv_wateraccelerate   10
sv_waterfriction   1
ttt_allow_discomb_jump   0
ttt_credits_starting   2
ttt_debug_preventwin   0
ttt_det_credits_starting   2
ttt_detective_hats   0
ttt_detective_karma_min   600
ttt_detective_max   4
ttt_detective_min_players   8
ttt_detective_pct   0.125000
ttt_firstpreptime   20
ttt_haste   1
ttt_haste_minutes_per_death   0.16
ttt_haste_starting_minutes   5
ttt_namechange_bantime   10
ttt_namechange_kick   1
ttt_no_nade_throw_during_prep   1
ttt_postround_dm   1
ttt_posttime_seconds   10
ttt_preptime_seconds   20
ttt_ragdoll_pinning   1
ttt_ragdoll_pinning_innocents   0
ttt_round_limit   7
ttt_roundtime_minutes   10
ttt_teleport_telefrags   1
ttt_time_limit_minutes   60
ttt_traitor_max   6
ttt_traitor_pct   0.250000
tv_enable   0
tv_password   0
tv_relaypassword   0
version   2024.10.29

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This function is available only to servers with Premium points.