- DayZ Standalone cервер з  Росія, St petersburg

Версія: 1.27.159420
Час: 12:35
Прискорення часу День: x2.5, Ніч: x9
0 із 49
Розташування:  Росія, St petersburg
Доданий: 1 місяць назад
Інформація оновлена: 2 хвилини 1 секунду назад
Карта: namalsk

Hello dear player!

Welcome to our server made for people who love PVE mode. Our team tried to create a pleasant atmosphere, where not only dangerous Anomalies but also cities full of infected.

Briefly about us: We are not mod developers. Everything we have belongs to the talented people who created these mods. Thanks to them, we get a pleasant game and the perfection of a real DayZ. We are a gaming community, we can be recognized by the SSV logo, our team consists of players from all over the world, an international team. We are present in various online projects, have repeatedly participated and continue to participate in the testing of new games or their future updates.

We chose DayZ for a reason - here we take a break from other projects, and a couple of years ago we decided to open access to our servers for other players.

Dear player, we are not chasing here for earnings or something like that, we are not interested in this, we follow collectivity and friendship.

If you want to join us, go to the discord, write to us, and we will answer all your questions.

709 / 23112
Очки: 425
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Встановіть моніторинг сервера прямо до групи (спільнота) ВКонтакте. 

Для того щоб встановити у вашу групу моніторинг вашого сервера, перейдіть за посиланням: https://vk.com/add_community_app?aid=5792972


   dux???gv?Namalsk Survival?y?ITv?Namalsk Island??丨܉TIME PVE SSV NAMALSK
_qp   0
allowedbuild   0
anticheat   1
appid   221100
bots   0
clientport   0
day_time_acceleration   2.500000
dedicated   1
dlc_enabled   0
edf_extradataflags   177
edf_gameid   221100
edf_gameport   2309
edf_gametags   battleye,external,privHive,shardABC123,lqs0,etm2.500000,entm9.000000,mod,12:35
edf_steamid   90262096926449695
first_person_only   0
island   namalsk
language   65545
netcode   17
night_time_acceleration   9
os   w
platform   win
requiredbuild   0
requiredversion   127
response_type   s
time   12:35
timeleft   15
version   1.27.159420
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